go outside

isn't it funny how social media's initial intention was to try to keep one in touch with his/her friends and family, to share experiences, to keep up to date of whatever one's interests are, to try to connect with one another, etc... however, for me, it's reached a point where i want to detach, log off, unfollow, unlike, fall off the radar... its intention has become the opposite for me. i'm pretty sure i'm overwhelmed with information i don't really need to see, hear, read, know, etc., but i'm also pretty sure that there's a sort of temporary joy in garnering attention that we start to rely on. truth is, this kind of shallow attention gets old. it has made me not want to be found, to want to distance myself. i longed to connect with friends and family that i can't be face-to-face with. i thought these apps/networking sites/whatever were the solutions, but the innate desire to connect through smell, touch, sight, words, to be in the presence of a human being familiar to me, has turned me off to these things.

communication breakdown

Acquaintance: emails.
Loose alliance: texts.
Friendship: cell phone.
Intimacy: land line.

-Elizabeth Trundle

in most cases, if we're not face to face or hearing the tone of each others' voices, words are very easily misconstrued. text messages and emails can be tone deaf, especially if they're being exchanged with strangers. so we judge each other with these shallow first impressions by constructing preconceived notions about how a person is and attach these notions to who we think they are without really getting to know them. everyone has good in them, but everyone also has their shortcomings, faults, flaws, insecurities...

most of us are trying our best to BE the best we can be, but that doesn't mean we don't stumble and err once in a while.